Teppanyaki vs Hibachi | Teppanyaki Grill Table | Hibachi Grill

For all Japanese cuisine, teppanyaki is probably the most popular one-it is a matter of course!

However, this leaves room for many misunderstandings. Anyone can mistake Japanese cuisine for teppanyaki.

Hibachi, another Japanese cuisine, is probably the most underrated Japanese cuisine, because many times it is mistaken for Teppanyaki!

They have a very important but not obvious difference-it sounds strange, right?

I mean, if you are a culinary expert, this difference is very obvious to you, but if not, then you may not notice at all.

Especially if a chef prepares food for you in the back and all you get is a plate of delicious food.

They put charcoal on it and cook in it. For teppanyaki, we already know that an hibachi grill is used.

In the United States, when you speak of Japanese Hibachi cooking, you usually mean teppanyaki, which means grilling on teppanyaki grill table.

Japanese shichirin grills are used in Japanese Hibachi cuisine. Although the word Hibachi translates as fire bowl, it actually refers to the stove that heats your house. When it is used in cooking, the word shichirin is used.

The grill used in Hibachi cuisine is unique: an open grate cylindrical container, lined with fireproof, and uses charcoal as the heat source.


Teppanyaki Grill Table