Pork tenderloin with rosemary, red wine, grape glaze

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If you've been to chefs and talented chefs, you know that they like to create recipes with contrasting flavors, or more appropriately choose flavors from ingredients designed to stimulate your taste and smell.

Add red wine, rosemary herbs and grape extracts to pork tenderloin to create an incredible flavor when your tongue touches the meal.

See how it's done!



• cut 1 / 4 pound pork tenderloin (or you can slice it)
1 / 2 cup seedless red grape, cut in half
• 3 / 4 cup dry red wine
1 teaspoon fresh rosemary, chopped
• 1 / 2 cup homemade or canned vegetable soup
• 4 tbsp butter, frozen*
• 2 tbsp clear butter (ghee) for cooking


How to cook:

Side dishes: stir fried pepper, some vegetables, Faro, black rice or any crusty Artisan Bread

1. Season pork tenderloin with salt and pepper.

2. If you plan to include a vegetable side dish, cook and set aside the main course, but keep it warm.

3. Set the heating dial of the iron plate burning belt to 5, and then push it up to 7.5 when the orange indicator light is off.

4. Keep the oven temperature at 7.5 on the dial, melt the butter, and then add pork tenderloin. Spin and cook on both sides until golden.

5. Test the cooked degree of meat. Just press the thickest part with your finger. Tenderloin should be juicy and harder to squeeze than when it's raw - a medium rare chef. Transfer to a clean large plate and cover with foil.

6. Reduce the temperature by one notch (on 6), then pour the red wine on the meat. When the wine changes from the hot surface of the pan to steam, the tenderloin will be glazed.

7. Scrape off the remaining Brown pieces of tenderloin on the grill, then add the grapes and rosemary.

8. Keep stirring and stirring until the liquid extract becomes syrup (about 3-4 minutes in the pot). Add the broth and gravy extracted from the static polyp and cook the sauce until the liquid volume is halved by evaporation (this takes another 3-4 minutes).

9. Close the iron plate burning belt.

10. Add the frozen butter to the sauce (once at a time) and stir until the butter melts. Continue to add butter until the sauce thickens, then pour the sauce over the tenderloin and serve.