Outdoor barbecue grill | How to choose the location?

There are many popular outdoor activities now, and outdoor barbeque grill is a common one. Bring your own ingredients, grills, charcoal, tables and chairs, and go out to enjoy the natural style and enjoy the fun of doing it yourself. We need to choose the position of the grill before grilling. What issues should we pay attention to when choosing the position?


1. Choice of venue

Prepare food, seasonings, and stoves to barbecue in the wild. Not all fields are suitable for barbecue, choose a place with good scenery and good transportation. Barbecue is forbidden in some forest areas and reservoir areas, which need to be understood in advance. When choosing the site, pay special attention to safety, fire prevention, no shrubs or excessive trees around the barbecue site, and no flammable materials around the downdraft. Also be careful not to choose places with more mosquitoes. Do not choose closed places such as caves and rooms for barbecue to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.


2. Choice of location

The oven should be placed in a relatively flat place, and the air door should be at the upper air outlet. Ignition of charcoal and machine-made carbon is not easy. You can pile up carbon and add combustion aids, and then burn it before spreading it. If conditions permit, light a bonfire, put the carbon in the fire, wait for the carbon to burn completely, then take it out and put it in the grill. If you use a bonfire to attract carbon, don’t forget to bring an engineer shovel. When spreading carbon, it must be spread evenly to ensure uniform firepower. Don't rush to roast after the carbon burns, first roast the net and wait until the carbon is completely red, that is, burn completely before starting to roast. When grilling, be careful not to stand at the downwind. When the smoke comes out, the flying Mars can easily hurt people.


Generally speaking, spring and autumn are suitable for barbecue season. Windy and rainy days are not suitable for outdoor barbecue. Before we grill, we should understand the use environment to avoid causing fire and causing unnecessary injuries. When using the grill, we must follow the instructions of the grill, and we cannot rely on our own feelings.


outdoor barbecue grill