Teppanyaki Grilled Equipment | Cautions for Teppanyaki Technology

Isn’t teppanyaki grill just putting meat and other food on the fire? Not exactly. In fact, Yakitori can be roasted, braised, roasted, fried, etc. Among them, "grilling" belongs to open flame grilling, also known as direct grilling, while others are called indirect grilling.


You should also pay attention to the following tips when grilling:


Different ingredients, different baking methods:

Grilled meat slices: Thin slices of meat can be cooked in about 3 minutes. It is not advisable to roast for too long. Otherwise, the meat becomes hard or burnt, and it will not taste good. Pork must be roasted until fully cooked, and beef should not be roasted until fully cooked, otherwise it will destroy the tenderness of the meat.

Seafood and fish: When grilling clams and fish fillets, it is best to wrap them in foil, so that it is not easy to scorch the fish skin, and it is also easy to store the soup in seafood. Grill for 2 to 3 minutes, the fish fillets are raised and ready to eat. The vegetables are best placed in a tin foil box and grilled in a simmering way, the more fire the better.

Clean the grill: Before grilling the food, brush the grill with a layer of oil to prevent the food from sticking to the grill. When grilling, always use an iron brush to brush off the residue on the grill, keep the grill clean, so that it will not affect the deliciousness of the food.

Turn in time: When the food is on the grill, turning it over and over will not only extend the grilling time, but also damage the protein of the food and cause the meat to harden. So when grilling food, turn it over when the food is heated to a certain level.

Replenish moisture: The longer the food is in the grilling process, the greater the loss of moisture and grease. Therefore, during the grilling process, some barbecue sauce should be brushed on the food in order to maintain the moisture of the food, but be careful not to brush too much at one time, so as not to cause the food to be too salty.


Although the barbecue is delicious, if the barbecue method is improper, it will have an adverse effect on the human body. Which barbecue methods should be avoided? Don't roast too much: charred food is easy to cause cancer, and the chemicals produced when meat fat drops on the charcoal fire will attach to the food with the volatilization of oil fume, and it is also a strong carcinogen.

Solution: It is best to wrap with foil in barbecue. Once the food is burnt, be sure to throw away the burnt area and never eat it.


Separate raw and cooked food utensils: bowls, plates, chopsticks and other utensils used for raw and cooked food during barbecue should be separated, otherwise it is easy to cause food infection and eat bad stomach.

Solution: Prepare two sets of tableware to avoid contamination of cooked food.


In addition to the grilling method, our concern about the barbecue being too greasy can also be solved.

Solution: When choosing barbecue materials, try to choose lean meat and fish with high fatty acid content. Don't eat fatty meat. You can also eat some vegetables to reduce greasy. In addition, it is a good way to consume fat by chewing slowly while eating barbecue food and exercising more after a meal.


Teppanyaki Grilled Equipment