Teppanyaki Grill | Best Sauces for Teppanyaki

Teppanyaki Chicken Marinade: Miso Marinade

So, you have your teppanyaki grill and all the accessories. Now it's time to make some delicious marinated chicken. Finding a good bottled marinade is hard and not worth the money.

Here's how to make a delicious miso marinade for teppanyaki chicken.


For about 6 chicken thighs, you'll need the following ingredients to make the marinade:

3 tablespoons red miso paste
2 tbsp sake
2 tbsp mirin
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon minced ginger


Just mix everything together and add the chicken to the bowl along with the marinade. Let the chicken marinate for at least 1 hour before grilling.



Best Dip for Teppanyaki: Sw'icyaki's Teppanyaki Fusion

You can make your own teppanyaki dipping sauce from scratch, but if you want to start eating right away, bottled sauce is the way to go.

This delicious sweet and spicy fusion sauce is perfect for dipping meat and vegetables. It's also an excellent accompaniment to seafood.

You can also mix this sauce with BBQ sauce to make it even milder.

Alternatively, you can use Teriyaki sauce, which is a classic Japanese BBQ sauce.


Best Ginger Sauce for Teppanyaki: Japanese Ginger Sauce

The refreshing aromas of ginger and grilled meat work well together. Japanese ginger sauce is one of the tastiest teppanyaki sauces.

This is a great sauce for beef, pork, chicken, fish and seafood. Tokyo Express makes a delicious ginger ale that you can use as a marinade or dip once you taste it.

Ginger ale is usually made with oil, lots of grated ginger, chopped green onion and salt. It has a fresh and spicy flavor that complements all foods.

Now that you have some sauce recommendations as well, you can start cooking right away on the teppanyaki. Oh, and don't forget to use handy tools too!