Teppanyaki Griddle | How should I make? Teppanyaki Griddle For Home

A fully seasoned teppanyaki griddle for sale is almost non-stick. The first "seasoning" layer is the most important part of getting a perfect cooktop. Come on, your teppanyaki griddle deserves it. We promise not to spend that much time-and it looks great! So, first you have to get oil. we suggest:


Cooker Teppanyaki Griddle Plate Seasoning and Cast Iron Conditioner (recommended)

• Rapeseed Oil
• Linseed Oil
• Vegetable Oil
• Shorten
• Olive Oil


Teppanyaki Griddle


Now, after you get the oil, what you have to do is:

1. Add 2-3 tablespoons of oil to the teppanyaki iron griddle, use a rag or a handful of paper towels to rub the oil on every inch of the surface of the teppanyaki griddle to form a thin layer (the same on the sides and back;

2. Heat up all burners. Keep the high temperature until the oil starts to smoke;

3. The Teppan griddle will change color. This means that oil is bound to metal-which is good! This takes 10-15 minutes;

4. Wait until the oil stops smoking, then do it again. 2-3 tablespoons of oil, spread a thin layer of oil on the entire surface, let it smoke;

5. Almost done guys! When the smoke stops, do it one last time. Add some oil and wipe the entire surface to make it smoke;

6. Once the smoke stops, turn off the teppanyaki griddle for home and let it cool down.


If everything goes according to plan, you will see a wok Teppan griddle. It is natural and anti-sticky. I am a cook. You just need to "season" your teppanyaki griddle for the first time like this. Regular cooking can keep your surface. In fact, the more you cook on it, the better your surface will become. Here are some tips to remember after cooking.

1. After cooking, clean it up;
2. Rub oil on the entire surface;
3. Wipe off excess oil with a paper towel;
4. Put it in a cool and dry place.