Japanese Teppanyaki vs French Teppanyaki Style

Japanese teppanyaki and French teppanyaki are very different in cooking, style and craftsmanship.

1. From the perspective of oil
Japanese-style teppanyaki mainly uses butter for cooking; French-style teppanyaki focuses on light aromas, mainly using coconut oil for cooking, and butter is only used as a flavoring oil for some dishes.


2. From the sauce
The sauce for Japanese teppanyaki is relatively simple, and the emphasis is on fully accentuating the flavor of the raw material itself and using less dipping sauce. Several sauces are served before the meal, and all the dishes from start to finish are used for dipping. These kinds of sauces are mostly single finished products, such as wasabi and Japanese soy sauce.

French Teppanyaki uses a rich variety of sauces, matched with different sauces according to the characteristics of each ingredient. Not only are there three or four compound sauces on the table before the meal, for guests to choose and choose; each dish must be accompanied by For a specific compound sauce, there will be several different sauces for a few dishes, and the complex flavors make people "dizzy"


3. View from the loading plate
Japanese-style teppanyaki is traditional and simple. After the dishes are cooked, the chef cuts them and distributes them directly to the guests' plates. There is no beautiful and complicated arrangement.

And every time a French-style teppanyaki dish is completed, it must be plated separately, with exquisite decorations, and delivered to each customer to ensure that each customer receives a perfectly shaped dish, and the artistic value is reflected in each On the dishes.


4. From the perspective of style
The serving process of Japanese teppanyaki is more direct and the style of the dishes is more affordable.
French teppanyaki is more rigorous, noble, and a little more casual and elegant.


5. From the technological point of view
Many meat ingredients in Japanese-style teppanyaki need to be marinated in advance, while most French-style teppanyaki uses fresh and original ingredients directly.

French teppanyaki has a wide range of high-end raw materials, such as French foie gras, Australian lobster, etc., and American Angus steak melts in your mouth. The fragrant, smooth, refreshing and sweet feeling of Russian black caviar and fried foie gras steamed eggs will surprise the taste buds.


6. Fancy Teppanyaki
Fancy Teppanyaki combines the essence of Japanese and French Teppanyaki. The seasoning is very particular, such as sizzling prawns, with French mustard and crab, topped with honey juice, red, orange, and green. The color combination is very eye-catching. While tasting the fresh fragrance of prawns, it is a bit more sweet and crispy of crabs. The aftertaste is a bit spicy and the fragrance is endless. The serving procedure is also the style of a French meal, with aperitifs, appetizers, soups, main dishes, desserts, and fruits.


With the gradual improvement of living conditions, people's requirements for physical health and diet quality are also constantly increasing. Teppanyaki is strictly selected, the ingredients are fresh, and the original taste is very light, with less oil and salt, and the condiments are only one-third of the amount of Chinese food; using butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and salad oil for cooking, its ignition point is high , Has no taste of its own, and will not destroy the original taste of food in the slightest. Teppanyaki table equipment can accurately maintain the temperature in different temperature zones. The high temperature above 300 degrees in the central area can make the ingredients mature quickly and retain the nutrients of the ingredients to the greatest extent, which is very in line with the needs of a healthy diet.


Teppanyaki table equipment