Grilled Fish Making Big Secret, Grilled Fish Equipment Maker - Cookeryaki

If you are a fan of grilled fish, would you like to know the cooking process of grilled fish?
If you are a grilled fish restaurant owner, would you like to know how your grilled fish differs from others?

If you are curious about grilled fish, please look down!

Grilled fish is a speciality that originated in Chongqing. According to legend, there has been a thousand years of history. In the process of circulation, it combines three cooking techniques of pickling, roasting and stewing. It draws on the characteristics of traditional leeks and Chongqing hot pot. It not only tastes but also has a very high nutritional value.

grilled fish

The materials used for grilled fish are exquisite and have strict requirements on the heat. Together with the unique seasoning formula, the fish is fully flavored. There is no smell of fish in the earth, the entrance is smooth and tender, and it is a spicy appetizer. It is a boutique in the eyes of food lovers.

To make grilled fish, generally go through the following steps.

make grilled fish steps

The fish bought from the market are to be fed in the water for 6 hours. The purpose of this is to remove the muddy smell of the fish and ensure the taste of the fish.

Tips: do fish the general election 1100 g -1750 grams of fish most appropriate. Fish in this weight range generally lasts for more than 15 months. This fish has the best taste after four seasons.

Slaughter: Kill the fish on the killing platform. The blade is opened from the back of the fish (the abdomen is connected, so that the shape of the fish is intact and the heat is evenly distributed), and the internal organs are rinsed clean.


Marinated: Drain the cleaned fish and draw a few 1 knife on the back of the fish . Add wine, salt, and a little MSG to make the fish marinated.

Baked: Chop the marinated fish with a special grilled fish clip. Nowadays, the grilled fish stove is very advanced. Just put the clipped fish directly into the Grilled Fish Stove. When it is set, take it out and take it out. You don't have to turn the fish back and forth as before, worrying that the fire won't be good enough to bake the fish. Usually about 2 kg of fish, about 6 to 8minutes.


Stir-fry: While roasting the fish, fry the ingredients. Stir fry the salad oil and secret old oil until the heat is 40%, stir fry the pepper and the bean paste, then pour the head ( 25 grams of garlic , 15 grams of ginger ), onion, celery, etc. Into the saute, add fresh soup to boil, then add the MSG, salt, sugar, chicken and other flavors, and finally into the accessories, 100grams of cucumber , 50 grams of celery , 30 grams of onion .

Pouring juice: Remove the grilled fish and pour the sauce on the fish.

Embellishment: After pouring the juice, sprinkle with parsley or red pepper, then place the stainless steel dish with grilled fish on the special Fish Oven Machine that is burning, and the grilled fish is delicious. It is.

COOKERYAKI, the leading Manufacturer of Grilled Fish Oven Equipment in China, sells at the original price, and there is no middleman to make a difference.

grilled fish machine