Catering industry kitchen cost control

The kitchen is the core of the catering industry and is the focus of production. It directly determines the rise and fall of the hotel, survives and falls, establishes a corporate image, creates a famous brand enterprise, requires years of accumulation and huge investment, must have a fine management charter, and a strong management team. Management to achieve unified standards, specifications, procedures, improve work efficiency, reduce costs, ensure the standard, quality of food, improve service speed, processing kitchen raw materials, production into finished products, summarizing the following production line process management control standards.


1. Straighten out the production line process

The kitchen production line process mainly includes three aspects of processing, preparation and cooking:

(1) Raw material processing can be divided into: rough processing (animal slaughter, etc.), finishing, dry goods, etc.

(2) Preparation of materials can be divided into: hot dish preparation, cold dish preparation.

(3) Cooking of dishes can be divided into: hot dish making, cold dish making, hitting making, and pastry making.


2, establish production standards

The establishment of standards is to quantify the production quality, product cost, production specifications, and to check and guide the entire process of production, to eliminate all production errors at any time, to ensure the quality image of food quality, to make the supervision have a standard inspection basis, to achieve control Management effectiveness.

(1) Processing standards, formulating the quantity, quality standards, and degree of penetration of raw materials. Formulate the "Net Standards for Raw Materials", "Standards for Knife Processing" and "Standards for Dry Goods".

(2) Formulation standards, formulate the varieties of the ingredients used for the preparation of the dishes, the quantity standards and the preparation of the raw materials according to the nutrients required by the people.

(3) Cooking standards, the ratio of processing, preparation of semi-finished products, heating into vegetables, and condiments to achieve color, aroma, taste, and shape.

(4) Standard dishes, set uniform standards, uniform production procedures, uniform equipment specifications and plate formats, and indicate recipes for quality requirements, number of people, cost, interest rate and price.


3. Develop a control process

After the standard is established, in order to meet the standards, it is necessary to have well-trained and mastered production personnel and management personnel to ensure that the quality of the dishes in the production process is up to standard.

(1) Control of the processing process, first control the amount of processing. Purchasing is carried out on the basis of the kitchen's net plan, and the processing is carried out to achieve the purpose of controlling the quantity. The control of the net rate of processing, the processing personnel according to different types of raw materials, processing the different grades of the net materials to the dispatcher acceptance, the ratio of the net material and the scrap material, the registration is posted to the users. The quality of the processing, the quality of the processing is directly related to the color, fragrance, taste and shape of the dishes. Therefore, procurement, acceptance should strictly control the quality of raw materials according to quality standards. The processing staff controls the processing, sanitation and safety of the raw materials. Any raw materials that do not meet the requirements are controlled by the end of the process, and may not enter the next process.

(2) Control of the preparation process. The process control is the core of food cost control. Eliminating mistakes, duplication, omission, mismatch, and multi-matching is an important part of ensuring quality. It should be approved by the seal of the order and the accountant, and the chef can prepare it. And the waiter checks the dishes ordered with the order and thus restricts each other. Weighing control, weighing according to standard recipes, number of people, and weighing, to avoid waste of raw materials and ensure the quality of the dishes.

(3) Control of the cooking process. The control of the cooking process is the key to ensuring the quality of the dishes. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring from the chef's cooking specifications, the speed of the vegetables, the temperature of the vegetables, and the number of sales. Strictly supervise the chefs to operate according to the standard specifications, and carry out daily spot checks and assessments. Use the kitchen, the furnace, and the timing method to control and count the speed, quantity and quality of the vegetables.


4. Formulate control measures

In order to ensure the effectiveness of control, in addition to streamlining the development of standards and on-site management, effective and feasible control methods must be developed.

(1) Program control method: According to the kitchen production process, from the processing, preparation to cooking, the final point of each process is the program control point, the producer of the end point of each process is the quality controller, and the preparation cook is Unqualified processing and cooking chefs are responsible for the unqualified formulation and have the right to make corrections so that everyone is monitored during the production process.

(2) Responsibility Control Law: According to the duties of each post, supervise and control at the same level. The head chef always checks and supervises the department manager, so that the responsibility is implemented, and the rewards and punishments are implemented.

(3) Key Control Law: It is necessary to focus on management, key focus, and key inspections on certain links that are often prone to production problems. Summarize lessons and lessons in a timely manner, find solutions to prevent problems before they occur, and eliminate production quality problems.


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