How to Maintain a Teppanyaki Table: Tips for Longevity and Performance


A Teppanyaki table, also known as a flat-top grill, is a centerpiece of Japanese cuisine, where skilled chefs showcase their culinary artistry by preparing delicious meals right in front of guests. To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Teppanyaki table, regular maintenance is crucial. In this article, we will discuss essential tips and guidelines for maintaining a Teppanyaki table, allowing you to keep the griddle in excellent condition and preserve its authentic cooking experience.

1. Cleaning the Griddle Surface:

Regular cleaning of the Teppanyaki table's griddle surface is essential to remove food residues, grease, and prevent the buildup of unwanted flavors. Follow these steps for effective griddle cleaning:

- While the griddle is still hot, scrape off any excess food debris using a metal spatula or scraper. Be careful not to scratch the griddle surface.

- Once the griddle has cooled down, wipe it clean using a damp cloth or sponge. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or steel wool, as they can damage the griddle's non-stick coating.

- For stubborn residues, use a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap. Gently scrub the griddle surface and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

- After cleaning, dry the griddle surface completely to prevent rust formation. You can use a clean towel or paper towels for this purpose.


2. Handling and Maintaining Accessories:

Teppanyaki tables often come with accessories such as spatulas, tongs, and condiment containers. Proper maintenance of these accessories is essential for their longevity and hygiene:

- Clean utensils after each use to remove food particles and grease. Wash them with hot, soapy water and rinse thoroughly.

- Regularly inspect utensils for any signs of wear or damage. Replace them if necessary to ensure safe and efficient cooking.

- Condiment containers should be cleaned regularly, removing any leftover sauces or dressings. Refill them with fresh condiments as needed.


3. Grease Trap Maintenance:

A Teppanyaki table typically features a grease trap or trough to collect excess fats and oils. Proper maintenance of the grease trap helps prevent clogs and ensures efficient drainage:

- Regularly inspect the grease trap and clean it after each use. Remove any solid debris and wipe the trap clean using a paper towel or cloth.

- Dispose of the collected grease and oils according to local regulations. Avoid pouring them down the sink, as they can cause plumbing issues.

- To prevent excessive smoke and odors, clean the grease trap thoroughly and replace any disposable filters as recommended by the manufacturer.


4. Routine Maintenance and Inspection:

Apart from regular cleaning, routine maintenance and inspection are vital to detect any potential issues and ensure the proper functioning of your Teppanyaki table:

- Inspect the gas or electric connections periodically to ensure there are no leaks or loose connections. Any signs of damage or malfunction should be addressed immediately by a professional technician.

- Check the temperature control knobs or digital displays to ensure accurate temperature readings. Calibrate or replace them if necessary.

- Lubricate any movable parts, such as hinges or handles, as recommended by the manufacturer to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation.



Maintaining a Teppanyaki table is essential for preserving its performance, longevity, and the authentic cooking experience it offers. By following the tips outlined in this article, including regular cleaning, proper handling of accessories, maintaining the grease trap, and routine maintenance and inspection, you can ensure that your Teppanyaki table serves you well for years to come. Enjoy the art of Teppanyaki cooking and create memorable dining experiences for your guests with a well-maintained and efficient Teppanyaki table.